
Showing posts from March, 2020

Environment 03.13.20

Questions for Blog/Vlog What have you accomplished? - Something we were able to accomplish would be setting up a meeting date for the clean-up. We had emailed the principal/vice principal. What has gone wrong? - Due to the incident that happened, with the shooting, not all of us were able to make it for the meeting so we canceled the meeting that was supposed to be for Wednesday and moved it to another date. What challenges have you faced? - Nothing. What have you learned through the process? - That even though something can get in the way, we can always make it happen if we put in effort. How have your skills improved over the past week? - I would say that as weeks go by, I’m able to work together with my group more and more, at first we were so quiet and clueless about what to do. Are you on track for an on-time delivery? - No, because our meeting was postponed. What adjustments need to be made on the timeline? - Postponing the meeting until next week Monday. My next a...

Environmental 03.06.2020

Questions for Blog/Vlog What have you accomplished? -My group and I have accomplished setting up a date for our next clean up. What has gone wrong? -Something that has gone wrong would be that one of the posters didn't turn out the way we wanted it to, so we then need to make another one since we still have time. What challenges have you faced? -I have not faced any challenges within the last week. What have you learned through the process? -I have learned to be on time and on track with my group before I left to Chicago. How have your skills improved over the past week? -Managing my time and contributing to the poster ideas that had been planned for. Are you on track for an on-time delivery? -Yes. What adjustments need to be made on the timeline? -No adjustments need to be made this time around. My next action is…. - To participate in the meeting with the principal and vice principal of Koblerville Elementary School, about our set date for the clean up and for the post...